Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Healthcare organizations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Healthcare organizations - Essay Example In the technological environment, various advancements have been made in the field of medicine. Science and technology have continually led to new diagnosis methods and treatments. This put pressure on the healthcare organization to purchaseth-new methods of diagnosis and treatment so as offer quality services to the US population. For instance, in US hospitals, paper medical records are being replaced by the by the electronic health records. This ensures that documents cannot get lost easily (Sultz et al., 2014).In the economic sector, the US health care organizations have been affected the employment rates and inflation. Many people in the US seek health care services, as the employment rate is high. In 2012, the average spending per individual on health in us exceeded that of other countries through their infant mortality and life expectancy was not good. Many Americans are they can readily access services using the insurance cover (Sultz et al., 2014).The banks as players in the financial sector have been offering the health care organizations money to purchase equipment or buildings for expansion. In late 2008 and 2009, the US banking system almost collapsed. Thismakesitdifficultforthe healthcare organizations to borrow finances for new equipment and building thus jeopardizing the operations of the health sector (Barr, 2011). The Indian healthcare organization is greatly affected by sociocultural factors. Many people in India are poor and uneducated. This greatly affects their health-seeking behavior.

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