Thursday, October 17, 2019

Ch 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Ch 1 - Essay Example Discuss This From Deming’s Point Of View. You Should Focus On The High School Level. Merit pay can be defined as the bonus paid to the employees in terms of their better performance (Union of Canadian Correctional Officers, â€Å"Merit Pay†). It can be stated that merit pay has also been given to the teachers for their better performances in teaching the students. Deming’s 14 Points can be observed as the series of points designed for enhancing the performances of a company’s management and for providing appropriate training to the employees to perform better in the allotted tasks (Pippenger, â€Å"W.  Edwards  Deming’s  14  Points  of  Management†). From Deming’s 14 Points viewpoint, it can be observed that politicians and educational boards are emphasizing more on merit pay in order to improve the teaching quality of the teachers in guiding the students effectively. In relation to the context, it is assumed that the educa tional boards desire to implement business models into the operational process in order to operate efficiently similar to industry or company. This is because Deming’s 14 Points help the employees to improve their working effectiveness through creating long-term and positive relationship with the company. Keeping in knowledge about the consequences after the implementation of Deming’s 14 Points, it can be stated that the politicians and the educational boards can seek to implement the principles of Deming in order to enhance the teachers’ quality along with strengthening the relationship among the teachers, students and higher officers of the high school (Winn and Green, â€Å"Applying Total Quality Management to the Educational Process†). However, it is also observed that merit pay to the teachers also can play a negative role because the merit pay in the high schools can destroy the thought of working in a team along with breaking the relationship among the teachers in teaching students effectively (Ravitch, â€Å"My View: Rhee is wrong and misinformed†). Question 2: Each Person In The Group Should Select One Of Deming’s 14 Points And Relate It To A Personal Experience They Have Had At College. Discuss The Benefits Obtained From The Point Being Used Or Discuss The Problems Caused From The Point Not Being Used. Be Specific In Your Response. According to the presented scenario, ‘every employee should be involved in transforming the management according to Total Quality Management (TQM) approach in order to succeed in enjoying the full advantages of the planning’ principle has been selected among the 14 points of Deming’s principles for fulfilling the objective of the paper. From the personal perception about this principle, it can be stated that every member or staff of a college should be involved in the decision making process. It would facilitate to ensure that every staff has the proper and righ t information about the strategies that have been considered in the operational process for improving or developing their educational processes in order to facilitate information sharing and train students for better qualification. By implanting this principle within the colleges operations, they will enjoy certain advantages while achieving their primary objectives. The advantages that can be identified include the fact that through the incorporation of this process, the teachers would work in a team or in a group in order to lead the educational process of a college systematically and communicate with each other effectively

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