Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Formal And Informal Communication

Formal And Informal Communication In this report I have tried to enlighten the different aspects of communication in order to communicate effectively as a manager and different types of communication barriers which will distort the message delivery process and three recommendations for managers how to improve their communication skills. Hope this will complete the subject. INTRODUCTION The process of communication falls under three categories which are verbal communication, non verbal communication and written communication. Communication must include both transfer and understanding. Communication cannot exist without a sender and a receiver. Poor communication is probably the most frequently cited source of interpersonal conflict. According to Stephen and Mary (2009, p.329), managers are concern with two types of communication, which are interpersonal communication and organisational communication. Interpersonal communication is communicating with two or more people. And the organisational communication is all the patterns, networks, and system of communication within an organisation, which are important to mangers (Stepehen Mary, 2009, p.331). Four major functions of communication are control, motivate, emotional expression and information. The hierarchies form in the organisations is a control mechanism of communication in the organisations. In this they have created different levels of jobs and the communication is communicated by their immediate supervisor or boss. Communication motivates the employ by giving a feedback of his work how well he have done and in which area he needs to improve. The communication which takes place within the work place with the colleagues is a mechanism by which the members show their frustration and feeling of satisfaction. Therefore communication provides an emotional expression of feelings. The information provided by communication helps to make a decision by the receiver after evaluating the information provided through the communication. ASPECTS OF COMMUNICATION process of human com.jpg Exhibit Process of Human communication Source: http://www.ehow.com/how-does_5431820_process-human-communication.html [Accessed 30 August 2012]. Exhibit 1 which explains the communication process is made up of seven parts. It is 1.Sender sends a message 2.encode its and send it through a 3.channel and the 4 receiver decodes and 5.receive message 6.sends a feedback to the sender this chain concludes when the sender 7.receives the feedback message. Sender and Receiver The sender is the individual who initiates the conversation. The sender must communicate the message in a way that the receiver will understand. To do this the sender must encode the message. The way a message is encoded depends on the way the sender and receiver typically communicate and the relationship between the two individuals. The process of encoding is simply taking the thoughts in your head and putting them into words. However the words you use will change depending on who you are talking to. When talking to a customer, your language will be softer and different than when talking to your staffs. If a message is not properly encoded, it is unlikely that the message will be understood (Stephen, 1998, p.313). The Channel The channel aspect of the human communication process is the method through which the communication takes place. When humans communicate with one another they must select a channel to do so. Common channels include face-to-face meetings, letters, email, memos, reports, and telephone conversation (Frances, 1995, p.282). The channel selected helps shape the communication that will take place (James Amy, n.d.). Different channels have different strength. Noise Noise is one of the negative aspects of human communication and is characterized as the interference that occurs when verbally communicating. Noise can be internal, such as the sender or receiver was getting distracted, or external such as others talking making it difficult to hear the sender. Verbal Communication Verbal communication is communication that is spoken. However verbal communication can be extremely complicated. Verbal communication includes the tone and pitch of a persons voice, the words she chooses, her rate of speech and the volume she speaks at (Burtness Hulbert, 1985, p.319). Changing one of these characteristics can drastically change the way her messages are received. For example, if you are angry and want the person you are talking with to know you are angry, you are likely to raise your voice and maybe even use choice words. Nonverbal Communication Nonverbal communication is another aspect of human communication that we often forget about. Nonverbal communication includes the way we gesture, our posture, what we wear, our facial expressions and even how we sit. Nonverbal communication can be either complimentary or contradictory. Complimentary nonverbal messages strengthen what we are saying with our words, such as frowning when you are telling someone you are sad. Contradictory nonverbal messages weaken what we are saying with our words, such as having a disgusted facial expression while saying that the food is yummy. Formal and Informal Communication Formal communication is vertical and follows the authority chain and is limited. Informal communication known as the grapevine is free to move in any direction. This communication can be take place from vertical to horizontal, upwards and downwards and also can skip the authority levels. The grapevine communication is very effective and fast. This passes the massage within few time periods. Through this method managers can identify issues that employ consider important. Communication Network There are different patterns of network of communication. The structure itself influences the speed and accuracy of the message and performance and motivation of the participants. Chain: This gives a flow of information to the end of the chain. Circle: Here each person can communicate on both sides of him. Star: This is more decentralise and allows a free flow of information among all group members. Wheel: Information flows from one person to all. Y-Pattern: Two persons are close to the centre of the network Com Network.jpg Exhibit Organisation Communication Network Source: http://www.kkhsou.in/main/EVidya2/Professional%20English/communication.html [Accessed 30 August 2012] FIVE TYPES OF COMMUNICATION BARRIERS Filtering This is manipulating the message in an easy way that the receiver can listen or omitting some part of the message which may cause trouble. Language This is one of the common barriers of the world. There are countries which do not use an international language like English or any other common language and they use to stick on their local language. But in a globalizing world there must be a common language which could be use to communicate all. Words mean differently to different people. Age, education and cultural background influence a language the person uses and definition he or she uses (Stepehen Mary, 2009, p.337). Physical Barrier Physical barriers are physical objects which obstructs the receiver to clearly receive the message. For example a wall or distance from the sender (Christopher, 2010). Ità ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s is easy to overcome this barrier and in modern work place the physical barriers are avoided. Information Overload Overload of information is also a common barrier. We human beings can cater up to certain amount of information and if the capacity limit is exceeded we may do misinterpret the things which are communicated. Cross Cultural Communication ok-gesture.jpg Exhibit The A-Ok gesture Source: http://hidden-avenue.blogspot.com/ [Accessed 30 August 2012]. As a cross cultural barrier in different parts of the world people interpret gestures and signs differently. As seen in exhibit 3 for some culture they have a meaning which can be communicated in the community and in other cultures ità ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s abusing one another (Stephen, 1998, p.332). These factors create communication problem. So we must be careful when we communicate in an unknown cultural environment. THREE WAYS HOW MANAGERS CAN IMMPROVE THEIR COMMUNICATION SKILLS Avoid Information Overload The managers should be trained how to prioritise their work. They should not burden themselves with work and they should spend excellence moment with their subordinates and should listen to their problems and feedback activity. Be a good delegator and have a workload balance for the day. Plane your day and make a task list. Try to achieve your listed tasks for the day. Give Constructive Feedback Always try to avoid giving negative feedback. The content of the feedback might be negative, but it should be delivered constructively. Constructive feedback will lead effective communication and build a good relation between the superior and the subordinate. To give a feedback ità ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s better to give face to face or if not reachable by phone (Kitty, 1998, p.4). These feedbacks are informal and try to give it regularly and timely as soon as possible. Listening Actively A manager must be a good listener. When someone talks we hear. But most of us donà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢t listen. Listening is an active search for meaning whereas hearing is the passive. Active listening is enhancing developing empathy and putting yourself into senders position. These types of scenarios occur to managers daily. So be empathetic and an active listener to improve your communication skills (Victoria Holly, 2005).

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Things They Carried Essay: Disembodiment -- Things They Carried Essays

Disembodiment in The Things They Carried  Ã‚  Ã‚   With some knowledge of war, one can begin to appreciate Tim O' Brien's The Things They Carried.   But when the work is viewed in its strict historical context, another layer of   meaning rises to the surface.   Tim O' Brien is a veteran; as a result there are many things he takes for granted (or so we think) and does not tell us.   America's involvement in the Vietnam war resulted from internal domestic politics rather than from the national spirit.   American soldiers had to fight a war without a cause, i.e. they were disembodied from the war.   But O' Brien never tells us this explicitly.   When Viewed from a historical perspective, The Things They Carried contains several syntactic allusions to the idea of disembodiment from the war.    One of the more obvious allusions is "The Ghost Soldiers."   The very title seems to suggest disembodiment - as though something were present, yet nothing at all.   Whenever O' Brien is bleeding to death in the field, he says that he feels "hollow." (O' Brien, 238)   Is it from blood loss or from the ...

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Effects of Advertising

Effects of Advertising Presentation Ashley Maloney HUM/176 10/21/2012 Dr. Caicco Effects of Advertising Presentation Effects of advertising can be positive and negative for some businesses, it just depends on the type of business you are running, and the type of advertising you choose. I chose to reflect on the effects of advertising fast food. Fast food is common and almost everyone eats at a fast food restaurant weekly. A lot of people speculate that the fast food restaurants target young children for obesity.Fast food restaurants are always going to be around and they are going to continue to expand with their ways of advertising. Fast food restaurants are advertised many ways, including: Television, Internet, Billboards, Coupons, Mail, etc. The television is a popular way of advertising because a lot of people watch it. People watch TV daily, some all day every day. So fast food restaurants know that their products will be seen if they are on the television set. Internet always h as ads that pop-up when you are on there.Even if your not on a certain website that pertains to them, the pop-ups will still come about. Even though you have the option to either look at the pop-up or click out of it, it is still there. Even a glance at the pop-up will make you see their products. Billboards are a popular way to advertise because people drive daily. If you are on your way to work you will more than likely see a billboard that promotes new products by fast food restaurants. Coupons are sent whether you want them or not. I get them all the time.Restaurants send these coupons out because they promote a buy one get one free advertisement, which is unique to me because it is a way to pull people in. It is a way for people to go back time and time again. Who doesn’t like free food? Speculators believe that children are targets for obesity when it comes to fast food. Marketing for fast food restaurants is proven to be unhealthy for children. The L. A. Times reports: In 2009 preschoolers saw 56% more ads for Subway, 21% more ads for McDonald’s and 9% more ads for Burger King, compared with 2007.Children age 6 to 11 saw even more: 59% more ads for Subway, 26% more for McDonald’s and 10% more for Burger King. The report also found that African American kids and teens are exposed to at least 50% more fast food ads than their white counterparts. (Melnick, 2012 Time Inc). Eating fast food has become a routine for families nowadays because they have no time for making dinner so they stop at a restaurant and eat. When a parent eats late, they tend to make a quick stop because they are too tired or do not have the time for going home and making a dinner.It also makes it difficult because they have no time to spend with their children. Advertising is big today because it promotes the product that the business is trying to sell. They do not care about the health of children and teens as long as they are making money. Advertising draws more customers in and more customers bring in more revenue for the business. References Melnick, M. (2012 Time Inc). Time Healthland. Retrieved from http://Fast food restaurants are advertised many ways, including: Television, Internet, Billboards, Coupons, Mail, etc..

Friday, January 3, 2020

Who We Are Essay - 2052 Words

What is position do Black American hold in society today? If Black Americans were to just disappear without a trace, would it effect America economically, politically, and socially? The answer is yes, but we would not have the power to survive on our own. The only power that we truly have is buying power in America. Black Americans are infamous for putting their money into things that are materialistic rather than things that will turn their money over. Things that will build up the community such as black owned establishments. Despite the economic set backs we place ourselves in, politically we have no strong voices and our social leaders do not seem to understand how to elevate the problems that continue to plaque our society. Who can†¦show more content†¦Instead we can relate to Africa as a country of origin but we can not identify with their culture. Consequently we have had to build up our own economic status. For example, The Reconstruction Era is a perfect reason as t o why Black American are having a hard time establish economic development. After Emancipation Proclamation the nation was unprepared to deal with the question of full citizenship for the freed black population. I imagine after leaving the plantation, they left with nothing in their hands (â€Å"Reconstruction and Its Aftermath†). All they had were their trades that the learned form being slaves these trades could have definitely produce economic wealth. These are the ideas of Booker T. Washington. Washington believed that Blacks could obtain economic securities through vocational education rather than focusing on success through social and political advancements. During the Reconstruction blacks were most concern with acquiring equal rights along with their freedom and not establishing them selves economically. Washington implemented these ideas in his monumental speech September 18, 1895 and it later became known as the Atlanta Compromise. The Atlanta Compromise goes in further details about how â€Å"races could work together in the economic progr ess as united as one hand while remaining socially separate as fingers† ( Booker T. Washington and the Atlanta Compromise 1). Washington received many disagreements on his ideas of race relations, but itShow MoreRelatedKinship : Who Are We?762 Words   |  4 PagesWho Are We? Kinship can help define who we are, through the values we subscribe to, where we live, and even our political and religious beliefs. Kinship, or families, are a part of all societies, and has been said to be the most basic of all social institutions—it is how people of different cultures categorize the people they are connected to, and that has a lot of influence on a person’s life. But kinship doesn’t always equal family. 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