Friday, January 3, 2020

Who We Are Essay - 2052 Words

What is position do Black American hold in society today? If Black Americans were to just disappear without a trace, would it effect America economically, politically, and socially? The answer is yes, but we would not have the power to survive on our own. The only power that we truly have is buying power in America. Black Americans are infamous for putting their money into things that are materialistic rather than things that will turn their money over. Things that will build up the community such as black owned establishments. Despite the economic set backs we place ourselves in, politically we have no strong voices and our social leaders do not seem to understand how to elevate the problems that continue to plaque our society. Who can†¦show more content†¦Instead we can relate to Africa as a country of origin but we can not identify with their culture. Consequently we have had to build up our own economic status. For example, The Reconstruction Era is a perfect reason as t o why Black American are having a hard time establish economic development. After Emancipation Proclamation the nation was unprepared to deal with the question of full citizenship for the freed black population. I imagine after leaving the plantation, they left with nothing in their hands (â€Å"Reconstruction and Its Aftermath†). All they had were their trades that the learned form being slaves these trades could have definitely produce economic wealth. These are the ideas of Booker T. Washington. Washington believed that Blacks could obtain economic securities through vocational education rather than focusing on success through social and political advancements. During the Reconstruction blacks were most concern with acquiring equal rights along with their freedom and not establishing them selves economically. Washington implemented these ideas in his monumental speech September 18, 1895 and it later became known as the Atlanta Compromise. The Atlanta Compromise goes in further details about how â€Å"races could work together in the economic progr ess as united as one hand while remaining socially separate as fingers† ( Booker T. Washington and the Atlanta Compromise 1). Washington received many disagreements on his ideas of race relations, but itShow MoreRelatedKinship : Who Are We?762 Words   |  4 PagesWho Are We? Kinship can help define who we are, through the values we subscribe to, where we live, and even our political and religious beliefs. Kinship, or families, are a part of all societies, and has been said to be the most basic of all social institutions—it is how people of different cultures categorize the people they are connected to, and that has a lot of influence on a person’s life. But kinship doesn’t always equal family. 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